Friday, May 9, 2008

Finishing up the week

Ok, so here's the rest of what I got this week:

House of Mystery#1: I wasn't going to buy this one, as I actually wasn't too impressed with the preview I had seen in the back of last week's book, but CBG James basically threatened to melon ball me if I didn't, so under duress, I picked it up. Glad I did. I love Sandman (who doesn't?), and who doesn't love a good mystery? The great thing about this line is that there's an ongoing story, and a one-shot contained in each issue. As of right now, I think I preferred the one-shot to the initial set up of the main story, but that might be due to my Willingham bias. But we'll see, I'll be getting #2.

Pretty Baby Machine #1: SNORE. Seriously, how can anyone turn a noir comic about gangsters, murder, vengeance, bootlegging and Al Capone into something I can barely keep my eyes open for? I was reading this one in between commercial breaks for Lost, and I was really tempted to watch the commercials instead. I honestly think this comic would have been MORE interesting if it actually was about a pretty baby machine. Like a machine that just pumped out pretty babies. In a factory. All day. MORE INTERESTING. I don't know exactly where the major malfunction was. I mean, it was in black and white, but I'd kind of expect a comic like this to be black and white. And some of my other favorite comics lack color too and don't suffer for it, (coughwalkingdeadcough), but this black and white was definitely kind of all muddled together, so maybe that had something to do with it. I'm certainly a fan of a more clean style of art, where I can tell exactly what's going on and don't have to guess at what the thousands of little scribbles all over the place are trying to tell me. That's not the only reason I hated it, though. The writing, too. Which is amazing considering there's Tommy guns and bribes and JFK in the storyline. But about 6 pages in, it starts to get wordy. REALLY wordy. Like, so wordy that there's hardly any room for the artwork between the dialogue and the narration. To be honest with you, I didn't even finish it. If anyone made it through past page 13, let me know if it gets better. Me? I just went back to Lost.

The War that Time Forgot #1: Lots of #1's this week, huh? Anyway, I had to pick this one up, considering the cover has (seriously) a T. Rex, Davy Crockett (or Daniel Boone, I can't tell), a WWI German soldier, a WWII American pilot, and a rampaging Native American on a horse. Come on. Do I even need to tell you what's inside to make you go buy it?

The Boys #18
: After issue 17, I wasn't too convinced I wanted to see what else Ennis had in store for Poor Hughie. Luckily, there's only ghosts, urine, butt hamsters, and dead bodies. Such a sweetheart. (PS, I'm not sure why the reviewer in that link calls Hughie Willy, although I have my theories...)

Dynamo 5 Annual: What can I say? A solid book comprised of 4 stories. 1 reprint (but rarely-read) taken from Noble Causes, and 3 completely new original stories, all from various points in the Dynamo storyline. Solid stories, interesting artwork, and all for the cost of only two comics. If you're a Dynamo fan, I certainly recommend this, if only for the sweet Cinar pinup in the back.

And finally, the one I was most excited about, Helen KellerKiller #1: Oh man, oh man. SO. AWESOME. MUST. BUY. NOW.

1 comment:

JSchroeder said...

"House of Mystery#1: I wasn't going to buy this one, as I actually wasn't too impressed with the preview I had seen in the back of last week's book, but CBG James basically threatened to melon ball me if I didn't, so under duress, I picked it up."
Wait... was that a dig?