Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jack of Fables was cancelled?

This blog:


From the generally correnct Newsarama site says that Jack of Fables was cancelled.

*Gasp*! Is this true??

I did a quick search on some forums and at fabletown, but haven't seen this confirmed anywhere.

Someone please tell me-they didn't kill Jack, did they????

EDIT: Ahhh, they fixed it, those cheaters!

Vertigo: First Cut trade paperback

Kevin: The second of Vertigo’s big first-issue samplers, this trade paperback gathers the premieres of Army@Love, Crossing Midnight, DMZ, The Exterminators, Jack of Fables, Loveless and Scalped. I realize collected editions are forever, but it’s a bit, I don’t know, sad that more than nearly half of the series represented here — Crossing Midnight, The Exterminators and Loveless — have been canceled.

Still sad that some great lines have been axed, but it's a relief that JoF is still kicking!

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