Friday, May 2, 2008

An Apology

To the man reading a TPB of The Walking Dead near the window at the Borders on La Cienega last night:

I'm sorry I was waving at you, pointing and thumbs-upping like a lunatic. I wasn't trying to tell you your zipper was down (though it was, points for noticing), I just wanted to give you kudos on your good taste.

Sorry about that.


The crazy girl who apparently should learn more universal signs for "Nice choice!".

1 comment:

cschwa17 said...

Dina, I totally understand what you were going for there. Whenever I'm on a train or anywhere for that matter and I see someone reading a comic book, I always try to make eye contact or something to indicate "i'm with you". I might even go as far as to pull a book out of my bag! There's something to it though, its a special world most people are not a part of...